Formulation of OVOL Vision 2030 and the Medium-term Business Plan 2023 announced
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Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.
Formulation of OVOL Vision 2030 and the Medium-term Business Plan 2023 announced
Japan Pulp & Paper hereby announces the formulation of its OVOL Vision 2030 "Paper, and beyond" and its Medium-term Business Plan 2023.
OVOL Vision 2030 “Paper, and beyond”
The World’s Leading Paper Distribution Group
A Group That Contributes to a Sustainable Society and Global Environment
A Corporate Group That Strives to be Considered a Trustworthy and Engaging Partner Both Within and Beyond the Paper Industry
[Target Estimate for 2030] Consolidated ordinary profit of JPY25 billion
Medium-term Business Plan 2023
Creating Added Value in the New Normal We will become a world-leading paper distribution group that continues to create new functions and added value.
Evolving Into a Group That Pursues Excellence Even Beyond the Paper Industry We will continue to improve every aspect of our business to ensure we maintain a high level of satisfaction for all stakeholders, and work to further extend the scope of our trust and appeal as a corporate group.
[Final Target] Consolidated ordinary profit of JPY15 billion