Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo, Japan; President: Akihiko Watanabe; hereinafter, “the company”) announces the publication in English of its integrated report, Japan Pulp & Paper Group Integrated Report 2022 following on from the release of the Japanese version in September. This is the first time that the company has published an integrated report.
In this integrated report, we explain how the group provides value to a wide range of stakeholders through our value creation story and introduce our sustainability initiatives as the foundation for sustainable growth that supports these efforts. In addition, we have once again clarified the path toward the realization of the group's Corporate Philosophy and OVOL Vision 2030 long-term business strategy.
In the process of producing this report, we reaffirmed that the core of the group's business model is the "trust" of our business partners, and we have identified three strengths unique to the group based on that "trust": the "ability to make proposals" utilizing our expertise and network, "technological strengths" for realizing a circular business model, and "organizational capabilities" for creating new value. We will continue to work on the further evolution of our business model with "trust" at its core, with the aim of simultaneously generating social and economic value.
The group’s Corporate Philosophy encompasses the values of integrity, fairness, and harmony, and the mission of carving a better future for society and the environment based on the principles of change, challenge, and create. We hope that this Integrated Report will help our stakeholders better understand our group, which has always taken a sincere approach to business, beginning and ending with our corporate philosophy.
We will continue to improve, enhance, and update the Integrated Report, as well as engage in dialogue with our stakeholders through this report and other means, as we pursue sustainable growth and the evolution of our business and work to further enhance our corporate value.
This report will be published in place of the previous Annual Report.
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact:
The Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Public Relations Office on +81-3-5548-4026