Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President & CEO: Akihiko Watanabe) has formulated its Approach to Sustainable Procurement as part of its program to address the supply chain, which has been designated a material issue of the Japan Pulp & Paper Group.
The Japan Pulp & Paper Group recognizes that addressing issues in the supply chain is important to ensure the stable supply of products to society, including its mainstay paper products. The group has identified the supply chain as one of its material issues, and its goal is to ensure a stable supply of raw materials and products and responsible procurement. Working together with business partners to build a sustainable supply chain is essential to achieving the group’s vision. As such, the Japan Pulp & Paper Group’s Approach to Sustainable Procurement specifies seven items that we request suppliers and partner companies to understand and implement. Based on these guidelines, the group’s executives and employees contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting sustainable procurement, while emphasizing communication with business partners.
Overview of the Japan Pulp & Paper Group’s Approach to Sustainable Procurement
■The Japan Pulp & Paper Group’s Approach to Sustainable Procurement
■Requests to Suppliers and Partner Companies
1. Thorough compliance with laws and regulations
2. Initiatives for environmental issues
3. Respect for human rights
4. Fair and appropriate transactions
5. Creating a healthy and safe working environment
6. Ensuring quality
7. Fair information disclosure and dialogue with stakeholders
■Promotion System
Full text is available here.
The Japan Pulp & Paper Group’s Approach to Sustainable Procurement
The Executive Sustainability Committee, chaired by the representative director, president, oversees decisions on policies and initiatives related to the Japan Pulp & Paper Group’s sustainable procurement. The Corporate Sustainability Division reports to this committee, and has established a framework to lead relevant divisions in the group to promote sustainable procurement for the entire group.
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact:
The Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Public & Investor Relations Office on +81-3-5548-4026