In 2023, we established the DX Promotion Office, which is responsible for
advancing digital transformation (DX) and strengthening IT controls throughout
the group. DX promotion is based on two perspectives: digital transformation
and digital optimization. Digital transformation is a strategic initiative aimed at
business reform to help ensure our overwhelming competitive advantage in the
market. It starts with deciding on a project policy in line with our management
strategy of “winning through differentiation.” This is a large-scale strategic
initiative that involves the participation of various business departments and
company-wide divisions.
For digital optimization on the other hand, we first analyze group-wide
operations to better understand the current situation, and then implement
business reforms that are not bound by conventional procedures or structures.
As digitalization progresses, the importance of IT controls is also increasing year
by year. Starting in fiscal 2024, we will begin IT control audits throughout the
entire group. In addition, we are working to establish the Basic IT Governance
Policy and the Basic Information Security Policy as group-wide policies.
Through these initiatives, we will strengthen our competitiveness in the
digital age and build a foundation for achieving sustainable growth.